So I know that I got a back a few weeks ago, But I'm finally getting around to posting about it! I'll try to keep up more in the future! So We Minus Me Spring Break Trip 2010 was Amazing! God was definitely in Panama City Beach, Florida! So for kind of a synopsis of what we did while we were down there, we gave out free We minus me sunglasses, and just talked to people trying to take conversations to a deeper level. We also gave out free Chick Fil-a on our first day, when we collected their information so we could send them care packages. Our second day we had shovels so we could dig a "sandcuzzi" which is a hole in the sand that you can hang in, we ended up pairing with this group of people from Tennessee and dug this huge hole we ended up hanging out with them for two day in it and got to have super rad conversations with them. Those relationships were also backed up when they called us later and said they had gotten kicked out of their hotel, and we showed up and tried to help them. Our team was awesome, the night we all finally got together in the beach house, I felt so comfortable with them, way more comfortable than I've ever even felt in the company of my sorority sisters. I think I may have scared some of them at first just because of how crazy I can get, but by the end of the week, it was hard to go home. On the beach we also did a lot of interviews for the website, we would videotape them and start out by asking questions about spring break and slowly ease our way to the deeper questions. We also prayed with people on the beach, a lot of people down there came on break to get away from stuff at home so it was cool to see them kind of open up and share with us something they were going through at home. I even got the chance to pray for this girl who had sprained her ankle and she said that she was just so surprised at how nice that was! God also did a lot in terms of personal growth for me. We were encouraged to pray and share our testimonies with people, and I also learned more about listening to God. I had never really had an experience with listening. While listening I found out that God has other plans for me than what I had originally been aiming for. I was planning on attending evangelism school in the fall, but He has now put it on my heart that I'm going to be doing mission work in the fall. Now that is exciting and scary for me at the same time. I'm still not sure exactly where he wants me, but I just know that I need to be open to all possibilities. Well thats all for now!
For God's Glory,